Zo Hawkins Memorial Fund for Youth and Young Adults

The Zo Hawkins Memorial Fund was established in 2024 in memory of Zo Hawkins, an active supporter of the dressage community and its youth. A $500 grant will be awarded annually as merited to support training and educational opportunities for young dressage riders in Alaska. Applications must be received by April 30.

Zo Hawkins Memorial Grant Application  

Applicant Requirements:

  • Reside in the state of Alaska.
  • Be over the age of 14 by January 1 of the current year and under the age of 25 as of December 1 of the current year.
  • Be a current member of the Alaska Dressage Association.
  • Demonstrate positive sportsmanship, good horsemanship, dedication to academic education, commitment to advancing in dressage through training, and respect for all as described in the US Equestrian’s vision for diversity and inclusion.
  • Have a detailed and attainable training plan or goal.

Additional Grant Information:

  • Funding cannot not be used for vet, and/or farrier expenses, or the purchase or lease of a horse or equipment.
  • Lessons must be with a USEF Active Professional.
  • Recipients are chosen by an independent selection committee. The decisions made by the committee are final.
  • The selection committee reserves the right not to award a grant in any given year if they determine that no candidate has met the criteria.
  • If the grant recipient is unable to attend or complete the specified event in their application, the committee must be notified immediately. Approval for a change in the use of the funds is at the discretion of the committee.
  • The grant may not be received in consecutive years.

Reporting Information:

The recipients of the grants are required to provide a training and financial report of their experience to the selection committee. The reports are due within two months following the completion of the event. The method for reporting may be varied.

Contact Carolyn Schultz with questions at 907-360-8241 or carolyn.john48@gmail.com.

We hope to make this an annual grant for years to come; please let us know if you would like to make a contribution.


2024 Killian Deano